Your coach

digital coach who cuts through the jargon to help leaders & their businesses profit from a digital world.

Coaching packages

1 hour speed coaching session

If you are not sure where to start, you can book in one hour to gain channel, partner and tactic agnostic advice to help inform your own decision making.

Great if you are looking to invest heavily and just need a second opinion that is agnostic to the recommendations you have received.

1 day Unlock Your Value workshop: Individual

  • Initial discovery
  • Gap review & agree focus areas.
  • 1 day workshop 
  • A strategic opportunities action plan with key learning resources
  • 2 x 1-hour coaching calls

Book in your workshop so that we can build out a program that works for you. Spots are limited to 1 workshop per week.

1 day Unlock Your Value workshop: Group

  • Initial discovery
  • Gap review & agree focus areas.
  • 1 day workshop (max 5 people)
  • A strategic opportunities action plan with key learning resources
  • 2 x 1-hour coaching call

Book in your first session so that we can build out a program that works for you. Spots are limited based on filling time over 1 day per week so get in quick.

Why Jane?

There is a misconception that digital is a job for office juniors. But Founder of Partners in Digital, Jane Peacock, was part of the tech transformation in its infancy, seeing how it could benefit business long before the term ‘digital native’ was coined.

So, with a background in advertising, brand, marketing and sales, Jane brings her clients insights that go beyond the theory and latest social media buzzword. Because her marketing & digital know-how is earthed in the real world of business. Everything she does has a purpose – and that is to help your business grow.

Jane starts you on your journey with an intensive, top-down look at your data to reveal the gaps and opportunities in your business. Then she then puts herself in the customer’s shoes – as all good marketers do – to make sure she clearly understands that perspective, too.

What you get is practical, informed strategies and advice to create digital pathways and messages that speak to customers, then lead them to your business, service or product. And Jane does this all collaboratively – inspiring and setting your own staff members on the journey to ensure your digital & marketing strategy is championed internally and remains sustainable and profitable in the future.

4 core VALUES


To care so much for our customers that we will enable skills uplift and be honest in our feedback.


To focus on being of service to others and to the world via the UN Sustainability Goals – purpose beyond profit.


To step into the shoes of our customers to understand their problem and enable the best possible solution that is right for them.


A encourage curioisity and a deep desire to learn and continue to learn and share those skills with others.

From Our Clients

“Jane ‘gets’ what small business needs from a marketing consultant. This was our third attempt to use outside support to take control of our marketing and we were sceptical. However, Jane’s ROI first approach, fantastic work ethic and ability to tolerate marketing Luddites succeeded in providing us with a clear marketing strategy and the sustainable execution plan to support it.”

Stuart Burckhardt

Director/ owner, AssetOn

“Thanks to Jane’s encouragement and her ability to see the ‘mountain of value’, I feel energised with a sense of new possibility when it comes to engaging with the digital world!” 

Jacqui Pollock

CEO/ owner, Human Leadership

“Jane is a master of digital strategy and a valuable asset to any business contemplating how to truly leverage digital strategies for better business outcomes. In our case, Jane helped us to quickly turn marketing into a key business growth enabler – a game changer.”

Leigh Tyson

Founder & Managing Partner, Firinn

“Still buzzing from the session yesterday…it was a timely push in a new and right direction.”

Jan Easton

COO, The Advisory Board Centre

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

We love working with “YES” clients. They are the leaders and businesses who have a big hairy challenge, a courageous spirit and a purpose that is about something bigger than profit. Is that you?

13 + 5 =