Digital is the human experience of using technology in your business. Your staff use it to communicate your value and your customers use it to access your value.
After twenty+ years, 1000+ projects & over 100 conversations with global thought-leaders, I have built the Humanise Framework that brings together the eight core elements to digital success. All eight are fundamental to success & data (your lifeblood) flows through all 8.
The framework is to helps leaders of small to mediuam sized businesses answer one fundamental question – where should I focus first if I don’t know the critical problem to be solved and I am stuck in digital overwhelm?
None of the data will be used apart from an initial follow up email and all data will be de-identified with your personal information removed from our system after that initial email. Get in touch if you are concerned about the use of your data or refrain from using the tool.

Clearly defining the habits, behaviours & values that determine your culture enables more significant innovation and receptiveness to change.

Focusing on your purpose as delivered via your strategy enables your staff & your customers to see where you are heading & why.

Understanding your market as determined by the people you are servicing enables you to connect with your customer in a more meaningful way.

Ensure Your technology & tools take a back seat by focusing on how they enable to you activate your value.

Gain clarity on how Your capabilities & {k}nowhow will ensure your staff continue to grow in ways that support your vision & strategy.

Be focused to ensure your identity as formed by your brand delivers on a clear storybook of your unique value.

Plan and focus your products & services to enable you to package your value in a way that is relevant to your market.

Turn your staff into your innovation engine as your People enable you to communicate your value with consistency and frequency.
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yOUR Fearless coaches
A group of digital fear slayers from around the globe are coming together to help businesses master the art of going digital so that leaders can drive their own digital evolution to ensure a future that is sustainable, empowering and exciting.

Jane Peacock
Chief Digital Fear Slayer

Is it you?
What's your superpower?

Is it you?
What's your superpower?
our Work
I work with some exceptional collaborators to help solve key business challenges for our clients. We call then “YES” clients and they range from individual leaders to businesses and the common theme is that they have a big challenge and an even bigger purpose. We work with them to define the problem and develop the solution or solutions together.
Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
I love working with “YES” clients. They are the leaders and businesses who have a tough challenge, a courageous spirit and a purpose that is about something bigger than profit. Is that you?