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The story
JANE PEACOCK is the founder and chief digital fear slayer at Partners in Digital, a business that helps leaders master the art of going digital to make the doing part of business more efficient, more effective and more profitable so that they can start innovating in order to future proof their businesses. And this always begins at step 1, fixing marketing.
Jane’s been in the fast-moving world of digital & marketing for 20 years now, so can translate high-concept tech-stuff into practical plans that make perfect sense and deliver results!
Starting her career working at Saatchi Saatchi on brands including Avis, P&G, Coca Cola and Nokia, Jane is a plain-speaking marketing strategist who has experience running successful campaigns globally. Jane has worked across B2B and B2C, and with large and complex organisations, including the University of Queensland and Good Start Early Learning. So, she not only knows what’s technically possible, she truly ‘gets’ the needs of business and consumers too. Her goal is to help companies to find the best solutions for their business leaving leaders with the clarity and confidence to no longer be at the mercy of the next BIG marketing thing!

Presentations & workshops
Jane is a vibrant speaker and presents a range of topics from digital transformation and marketing to life as an Entrepenaur. With experience working with small groups right up to large professional audiences, her background as a visual artist ensures you will always receive a presentation full of colour and style, no matter the topic! Janes presentations fit into 3 different key audience groups.
The new marketer - leading the change!
Having lived the process of shifting my marketing career from a traditional marketer to a digital marketer in the 1990’s, I am
Digital - the key to marketing success.
Engage with the right tools and understand the data to drive success in the marketing function you lead.
Evolve or die - the secret to future-proofing your marketing career.
Stop sticking your head in the sand and learn to best way to future proof your career.
Discover your superpowers - the future of work!
Learn the soft skills or 21st Century Skills that you have now and the ones you can build on to create a suite of super powers which will make you indespensible at work!
Purpose - the foundation for digital success
How to turn your purpose into the fuel for innovation and change, uncovering new opportunities for growth and profitability.
Digital without strategy is like a cake without a recipe!
The core pieces to esablishing your digital strategy will remove the uncertainty around the expected return. Its all about clarity and focus!
Understand your people - the key to your pot of gold!
Learn the simplest truth and how to action it. Your people – customers and staff – are your gateway to digital opportunity. Hear stories where other brands have successfully implemented human centred experience and profited. You can too!
Digital, the key to growth and profitability.
Learn what digital is and how utlising it with purpose accross all facets of your business can deliver growth and profitability.
Digital - connection builder.
Let’s start by busting some myths and understand the role of digital in building human connection. And it all starts with understanding value!
From Our Clients
“Jane ‘gets’ what small business needs from a marketing consultant. This was our third attempt to use outside support to take control of our marketing and we were sceptical. However, Jane’s ROI first approach, fantastic work ethic and ability to tolerate marketing Luddites succeeded in providing us with a clear marketing strategy and the sustainable execution plan to support it.”
Stuart Burckhardt“Thanks to Jane’s encouragement and her ability to see the ‘mountain of value’, I feel energised with a sense of new possibility when it comes to engaging with the digital world!”
Jacqui Pollock“Jane is a master of digital strategy and a valuable asset to any business contemplating how to truly leverage digital strategies for better business outcomes. In our case, Jane helped us to quickly turn marketing into a key business growth enabler – a game changer.”
Leigh Tyson“Still buzzing from the session yesterday…it was a timely push in a new and right direction.”
Jan Easton
Speaking events & publications
Speaking events
- The role of digital in telling your authentic story @Nuture Her business retreat FIJI
- Founder horror stories @wework
- Digital transformation @ Institute of Managers & Leaders
- Digital Innovation & the Future of Work panel
- ‘Future of Work’ workshop @ St Edmonds College
- Digital Marketing for the Future
Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
We love working with “YES” clients. They are the leaders and businesses who have a big hairy challenge, a courageous spirit and a purpose that is about something bigger than profit. Is that you?