Digital Stories

“Stop, collaborate & listen”
DIGITAL & MARKETING“Stop, collaborate & listen”Jane Peacock, Chief Digital Fear Slayer March 2016We all know that digital brought about opportunities to merge these two disciplines as the customer journey becomes more integrated from awareness and engagement...

The story of a unicorn that took on an elephant!
DIGITAL & MARKETINGThe story of a unicorn that took on an elephant!Jane Peacock, Chief Digital Fear Slayer March 2016There is a lot of discussion around #digitaltransformation and how it benefits businesses. There is also a lot of valuable and evolving debate...

Digital (or technology) is not for me. Full stop!
DIGITAL & MARKETINGDigital (or technology) is not for me. Full stop!Jane Peacock, Chief Digital Fear Slayer March 2016This was me not too long ago, and in conversations with business leaders, it appears I am not the only one. This has prompted me to share my...